Ultimate Baby Boomers Guide

Ultimate Baby Boomers Guide

Ultimate Baby Boomers Guide The Baby Boomer’s Guide To Livi

Bazoumana Ouattara

Are you a baby boomer? If you were born in the years

between 1946 and 1964 then technically you are considered

a baby boomer. But, even if you fall out of this range, this

e-book is a tool that you must take into consideration today.

Those that are approaching late middle age and into their

golden years need to begin thinking about their futures.

While it would be wonderful to be able to just stop the clock,

that’s not possible. What is possible is finding the things

that can help you to improve your well being, your health

and ultimately to lead you to a long, healthy and prosperous


If you haven’t given any thought to your future, now is the

time to do so. There are countless things that need to be

thought about, but, we’ve brought it all in here, ready to

give you the tools you need to really make a difference.

Read this e-book. Take the time to make these changes in

your life today. And, set a course for a long life that is full of

the riches that the world can offer to you. Best of all, look

forward to many years of bliss.

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Genre : Health & Well-Being Language : English
Sub-genre : Pregnancy, Childcare Release : June 9, 2021
Collection : Santé et bien-être


Bazoumana Ouattara

Ouattara Bazoumana

42 ans 

Côte d'Ivoire

Abidjan treichville



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